General Sessions
Gain access to the best and brightest innovators and speakers! CAMX offers dynamic keynote presentations from groundbreakers and innovators from the world’s leading companies like Apple, Tesla, the World Cup, Oracle, and more. Share in these special presentations with any Conference registration or Exhibit Hall Pass.
2019 Closing Luncheon
Composites are being used to revolutionize sports. They help athlete’s better their performance and protect them. Athletes are taking notice of the “composites difference”, and sporting goods companies are responding by incorporating composites into their products. Join us for lunch, networking, and hear our panel of experts who will discuss some of the equipment trends for the sports they manufacture and design for, the benefits of composites and how composites can become more common place in sports. We’ll also discuss how the current political climate regarding tariffs and the workforce shortage in the United States are affecting production and sourcing. This is sure to be an interesting discussion that will help you watch your favorite sporting events with a new “composites” lens.